National Distinctions
We honor our top scoring teams with four levels of national distinctions. Each correct answer on Round 1 is 10 points and on Round 2 is 7 points.
G. O. A. T. Distinction
Greatest of All Time
Our teamwork is sublime!
NVA00570E Discovery Charter School 1
TRV00052E Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School
SPY00019E NEST+m
CRN00182E Cayuga Heights Elementary
SPY00018E NEST+m
MIDDLE (160+)
NVA00579M The Harker School
NVA00550M Joaquin Miller Middle School
NVA00578M The Harker School
TRV00068M Hunter College High School
TRV00069M Hunter College High School
Adventurer Distinction
Faster and faster toward new horizons,
with wily minds and hearts of lions!
LMT00503E Meadows Elementary School
SPY00024E The Speyer Legacy School
NVA00590E The Nueva School
TRV00061E TAG Young Scholars
NVA00580E Bullis Charter School
HNY00257E Dixie Bee Elementary
NVA00551E Bullis Charter School
NVA00552E John Muir Elementary School
TRV00071E The Hewitt School
SPY00012E Metropolitan Montessori School
TRV00080E The Nightingale-Bamford School
SPY00004E Brooklyn School of Inquiry
LXN00221E Francis Wyman School
HNY00275E Sugar Grove Elementary School
TRV00050E Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School
MIDDLE (120-159)
NVA00564M Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School
NVA00591M The Nueva School
CRN00158M DeWitt Middle School
SPY00016M NEST+m
NVA00592M The Nueva School
TRV00064M TAG Young Scholars
LXN00216M Diamond Middle School
SPY00027M The Speyer Legacy School
SPY00022M MS54 Booker T. Washington
SPY00029M The Anderson School PS334
UMS00392M Rockwood South Middle
Innovator Distinction
Steadfast we aim toward the great unknown
Curious, careful, we turn every stone
TRV00079E The Nightingale Bamford School
LMT00505E Wonderland School
LMT00507E Red Oak Elementary School
LXN00200E Lexington Montessori School
NVA00586E Synapse School
BRD00102E Greenville Elementary School
HNY00252E Ouabache Elementary
LXN00205E Eliot Innovation K-8
NVA00569E North Star Academy
CRN00150E Northeast Elementary School
CRN00168E South Hill Elementary School
SPY00020E PS16 Cornelia F. Bradford
TRV00062E TAG Young Scholars
TRV00073E The Hewitt School
NVA00589E The Nueva School
UMS00357E Pierremont Elementary
SPY00025E Speyer Legacy School
BRD00112E J Watson Bailey Middle School
TRV00066E Convent of the Sacred Heart
TRV00074E The Brearley School
UMS00354E Visitation Lower School
UMS00387E Ballwin Elementary
NVA00560E Encinal Elementary School
NVA00583E Khan Lab School
TRV00054E Hunter College Elementary School
TRV00075E The Brearley School
CRN00154E L. Pearl Palmer Elementary School
TLS00307E Collins Elementary School
LXN00213E MLK Jr School
CRN00151E Northeast Elementary School
SPY00013E Metropolitan Montessori School
TRV00058E The Chapin School
TLS00313E Hans M. Andersen Elementary School
LXN00212E The Advent School
MIDDLE (80-119)
NVA00561M Bullis Charter School
HNY00258M Honey Creek MS A
HNY00261M Honey Creek MS B Team
SPY00028M The Anderson School PS334
TRV00077M The Brearley School
LMT00516M Bert Lynn Middle School
TRV00082M The Nightingale-Bamford School
LMT00508M Paul Revere Middle School
SPY00030M The Anderson School PS334
BRD00104M Linden Avenue Middle School
CRN00159M DeWitt Middle School
HNY00260M St. Richard's Episcopal School
SPY00002M Brooklyn School of Inquiry
SPY00017M NEST+m
SPY00037M Trinity School
SPY00038M Avenues The World School
TRV00081M The Nightingale-Bamford School
CRN00175M Boynton Middle School
TLS00321M Holland Hall
LXN00207M Shady Hill School
BRD00105M Salisbury Central School
HNY00270M Honey Creek MS
TRV00076M The Brearley School
UMS00351M Visitation Academy
UMS00366M Parkway Central Middle School
Maverick Distinction
Smart and scrappy, strong and slick,
That's why they call us mavericks!
BRD00113E J Watson Bailey Middle School
TRV00059E The Chapin School
UMS00362E Bristol Elementary
KNS00404E Topeka Collegiate School
NVA00559E KIPP Excelencia Community Prep
KNS00413E Ogden Elementary School
UMS00353E Visitation Lower School
UMS00356E Progress South Elementary
NVA00556E North Star Academy
HNY00256E Terre Town Elementary School
SPY00036E Rye School
TRV00070E The Hewitt School
TRV00072E The Hewitt School
TLS00312E John Rex Charter Elementary
UMS00355E Progress South Elementary
UMS00388E Ballwin Elementary
NVA00577E Orion Alternative School
NVA00587E Synapse School
LXN00210E The Advent School
CRN00152E Northeast Elementary School
HNY00254E Terre Town Elementary School
HNY00276E Sugar Grove
SPY00003E Brooklyn School of Inquiry
SPY00031E Millstone River School
TLS00302E Jenks East Intermediate
UMS00385E Lafayette Preparatory Academy
LXN00209E The Advent School
NVA00576E North Star Academy
BRD00107E Holy Trinity School
CRN00156E L. Pearl Palmer Elementary School
CRN00160E C. Grant Grimshaw Elementary School
HNY00250E DeVaney Elementary
KNS00405E Topeka Collegiate School
KNS00407E Flint Hills Christian School
LXN00217E Oak Meadow School
LMT00502E Broadway Elementary
BRD00101E West Sand Lake School
CRN00161E C. Grant Grimshaw Elementary School
HNY00259E Dixie Bee
KNS00400E Most Pure Heart of Mary School
UMS00359E Flynn Park
UMS00391E Hannah Woods Elementary School
NVA00567E Hilldale School
HNY00251E DeVaney Elementary
SPY00035E Rye School
TRV00060E The Chapin School
TLS00303E Jenks East Intermediate
CRN00183E Fall Creek Elementary
LMT00506E Roosevelt Elementary
NVA00575E Orion Alternative School
MIDDLE (40-79)
TRV00051M Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School
NVA00581M Basis Independent Fremont
SPY00001M Brooklyn School of Inquiry
TRV00067M Convent of the Sacred Heart
LXN00219M Oak Meadow School
NVA00565M Bullis Charter School
CRN00163M DeWitt Middle School
SPY00014M Metropolitan Montessori School
SPY00023M The Hudson School
TRV00057M The Chapin School
TRV00065M TAG Young Scholars
TRV00085M Trevor Day School
UMS00365M Parkway Central Middle School
LXN00220M Ottoson Middle School
SPY00032M Riverdale Country School
BRD00109M Holy Trinity School
TRV00053M Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School
CRN00174M Chemung Valley Montessori School
HNY00273M Otter Creek
SPY00033M Riverdale Country School
NVA00566M Hilldale School
NVA00582M Basis Independent Fremont
TLS00319M Cascia Hall Prepartory
SPY00039M Avenues the World School
LMT00500M The Mirman School
CRN00176M Boynton Middle School
HNY00271M Honey Creek MS
KNS00406M Smoky Valley Middle School
SPY00026M Speyer Legacy School
TRV00055M La Scuola D'Italia G. Marconi
TLS00320M Monroe Demonstration Academy
LMT00512M Synergy Kinetic Academy
LXN00206M The Advent School
HNY00268M Woodrow Wilson Middle School
LXN00218M Oak Meadow School
SPY00040M The Mott Hall School
TRV00056M La Scuola D'Italia G. Marconi
NVA00553M John F. Kennedy Middle School
NVA00573M Presidio Hill School
KNS00415M Woodrow Wilson
SPY00011M KIPP Washington Heights Middle School
UMS00374M Northwest Middle School
UMS00376M Roger's Middle School
LXN00202M Lexington Montessori School
NVA00568M Children's Day School